Paul A. Lowis
I have studied Art which includes Painting, Sculpture and Art History since
childhood. I was was formally educated in Michigan, at Ferris State and then
after hitch hiking to California, at Pasadena City College. There I was advanced
by my professer to an every other semester schedule. Also I studied privately
under a portrait artist, Charles Cross, who was commisioned on a regular
basis by Hollywood TV and Movie Stars. It is under Charles that I became
accutely aware of the importance of Applied Color Theory. I have had many
One Man Shows for my VIA creations (Viewer Interactive Art) in renouned
galleries in the U.S. including The Addison Gallery in Miner Park in Boca Raton,
FL., The Eye of the Lizard Gallery in Vero Beach, Fl., Gallery International in
Bloomfield Hills MI., and The Uzelac Gallery in Pontiac, MI, to name a few.
I also was solicited by the Russian Minister of Arts, along with Garbis Zennedjian,
owner of Gallery International, to rate the top 200 Russian Artists for the
purpose of introducting them to the American Art World.
- Michigan